We Attended the 56th Presidential Inauguration!

How long have we been Educating @ Home where the heart is?

What does Educating @ Home look like for OUR Family?

Jan 2009

Well, we are back in action after 8 months of lost communication. I designed a blog for the girls swimteam and lost my rights to this blog due to an oversight but guess who's back! There is soooo much to talk about but I don't want to bore you so instead, I'll be sure to update this blog on a needed basis.
Since the last update, we moved into a much smaller house in preparation of the recession. The girls are now homeschooled thru K12. We are not only excited at the opportunity but we are running to win! I am now a lead tutor for The Black Star program based in Chicago and I count it all joy! I love it! I am able to apply the God given talent the Lord allows me to use at home with the girls outside to home with children that are enrolled in a traditional brick & mortar school. Our school is doing so well and it is such a blessing to see God at work!
Natalie went to Washington, DC in August to the Jr National Youth Leadership Conference. The girls and I went to Washington, DC for this past inauguration and it was exhilarating!
Natia is an official 6th grader in CVCS! This was a momentous occasion for our family. She is looking forward to attending the JrNYLC this year, just as Natalie did last year.
Natrice, our B&M High Schooler is now a Sophomore and currently taking Drivers Ed. I look forward to her and her sisters spending a few of their Sister Nites outside of the house while Nate and I stay indoors.
Speaking of Nate, he is still employed in this tough economic time and that is nothing but the grace of God! How blessed I am to have a husband with a career he loves in a company that appreciates his excellent work ethic.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I wrote an essay for an up and coming book not yet titled! That is a long story that will be shared later.

Tween & Teen Years

Well, well, well, we finally made it! All three of our girls are now in the two digits! Natia made 10 years old today! Now the games shall begin. We started the day with a wake up call to a breakfast of her choice supposedly but we did not have has browns so Coco Wheats sufficed. Next, two hours of studies before going to the library. Then, to Munchies in Bronzeville to meet up with a group of homeschoolers for a tour that turned out to be 'interesting' is the way our nearly crowned tween put it. This all wore thin after lunch back @ Munchies with those we toured with. A few exchanges and new associates later we found ourselves headed home for a short nap. 2:55pm the alarm clock sang and 10 mins later we were on our way to pick up the High Schooler! Praise God for the Power Nap! Now it's 3:45 and we are on our way to swim practice when the Tween starts shedding tears like a leaky faucet, what now! She overheard me telling her Granny we were going swimming and no mention of a promised shopping spree...oh brother! Now that she understands the shopping is set for AFTER swimming for more time allotment, she has turned off the water works and we have turned off our regular route to go and pick up Granny. 4:08 arrive @ swim practice, 6:17pm depart. One pizza, one Target, one u-turn, and 45 minutes in Toys-r-us later, we are on our way home. Praise God this only happens once a year times three daughters.
8:34pm I am in the parking lot taking to my cousin asking her to fill in for a fundraiser dinner on Sunday. She has agreed to make the dressing. Whew! Can't have a Soul Food dinner without the dressing!
As I reflect on this day that the Lord has made, I rejoice that he has gotten me through it thus far. I go over the next few days to come before i get a rest and find the following:
Nate has a late day so take Natrice to school and p/u after Math Team meets. Shop for Natalie's Sunday dinner and Make cupcakes for Natia to share at Excel this evening and next two days.
Natrice Math Competition @ 9am, Natia Swim Competition @ 10am, and Natrice swims @ 1pm. Pick-up donations for Natalie's Sunday dinner. Make Greens, have Natrice season chicken, and have Natia make 100 corn muffins.
Sunday -
Don't forget Natia's Cupcakes and all of Natalie's dinner prep.
Sunday afternoon - fall into a deep, deep slumber.

Why am I doing all of this? It's called the Tween/Teen years. Each of our daughters are constantly being trained to be responsible Christian young ladies. As they grow in their roles, so do their interest and opportunities. They all swim and they each get one individual activity. Most days, I can handle this and more with no problem because it is NOT usually this crazy. As the seasons change, their activities come to a close with a plethora of events. Without my outstanding husband's support, all this would be null and void. I would like to leave you with a different closing this time. I would like to dedicate a song and video 'You're Gonna Miss This'
by Trace Adkins

Tweens & Teen Years

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Reposition yourself

How is everything going? Trick question? 'Everything' encompasses quite a lot! Let's find out. First, let us break 'Everything' down into subtopics. To do this, let's use what an associate of our family calls the five F's, they are Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, and Friends.

By Faith we live. Our eldest daughter rededicated her life to God this past Sunday! That is exciting news for a 14 yr old to make that decision, we all know, she could be deciding to choose plenty of other things to dedicate herself to. Our family went and heard T.D,Jakes speak on Feb 25 and he was nothing least than anointed as if I needed to tell you that. Thus being the title of this post, we'll get back to that.

Our Family has repositioned ourselves in many facets. Nate has a new schedule that allows for more family time and he turned a year older! I too will be a year older next month, 34 to be exact! Together we have unofficially launched into marriage ministry. Natrice is going well in HS. By well I mean she brought home three C's. When told that will not do and the whole drill she quickly retaliated with. "But they are Honors classes and therefore, my grades are actually higher according to the Board of Ed credential system". Now you know...We, Nate & I, are the Board around here! As stated before, that is NOT going to fly!! On a lighter note, God blessed her with the opportunity to get in on ground level of Lifeguard training! She is officially and Jr Lifeguard Apprentice! Natalie has been accepted as an nominee for the Jr National Young Leaders Conference! We will be selling soul food dinners to raise the $2500 needed for the trip.
And yes, we will gladly accept your donation! Natia has met her goal of completing 4 & 5th grade in one year while maintaining a B average.

As far as Finances, Nate got a nice raise AND bonus based upon merit. Well done, Babe! He in turn gave me a raise in my allowance! The girls are also reaping some of that reward. Not to mention that apprenticeship of Natrice, they are giving her a nice strip end! Look at God! HE loves a cheerful giver and we cheerfully give!

Let's see, Fitness right? Right! Well, the girls all swim three day a week. I have joined the park district to take advantage of the fitness room while they are in the pool and Nate is one his bike a few times a week for an hour and he walks quite often.

Lastly, our Friends. I tell you what, to make sure the information is correct, you tell me, How're Ya do'in?!

How is Homeschooling Thus Far?

It’s been two full months now, now being since we began homeschooling. Since our first day, Sept 4th, we have revamped our program/schedule approximately a half dozen times. Lets see, there was the death of a close family friend that we went to help in a time of need. There was an unexpected circus trip due to those great ticket prices. Then there was the expected field trip that did not happen until two weeks later; that count’s as two. Oh yeah, we found a local homeschoolers organization that meets every first Friday @ 11am and so we welcomed that alteration. That meeting lead to us learning about the homeschoolers swim that meets three times a week but we only attend twice. I was invited to a once in a lifetime makeover @ The Oprah Winfrey Show on a Friday only to be appointed to an 11am appointment on the following Monday. And last but not least, there are the two times our first year high school attendee had schedule changes that we did not plan for which we definitely obliged.
All that said, I can appreciate how homeschooling has adapted to us. As life happened, so did school. We have what is called ‘Life Application’. This is where we place into practice what we have learned from our weeks’ prior lessons. Math calculations are put into practice during drives to & from different errands. The girls are put to test as they are given a few moments to figure out how long it takes to drive a distance according to the speed limit. They are also in charge of planning our shopping trips. They are given a goal along with a budget. This has helped them to not ask for extras when shopping because they actually see where the money goes. (They also get to keep the change.) We visit the sick & shut in bi-weekly to help clean, shop, run errands, or the most popular, read to the senior citizens. Our science curriculum has been expanded to include Planet Earth and now the expertise of a retired science teacher!
There is plenty more to say but let me close with this: Not all days have been good ones. I miss when I could call on another parent to carpool our girls so I could have a day to myself, not to mention a day of rest. While the girls have many opportunities to socialize, they still miss their friends from school. There have been many days of fun and excitement but there has been more days without it. And just when I start to question my capability, the Lord reminds me that I am.
Last week, the girls swim instructor, Coach Donnie met with the swim team and gave them a little pep talk. In the course of his speech, he asked the group what is failure? They gave many answers but it is his that I took to heart and I now bring to you. Failure is another opportunity to try again more intelligently. Wow! I never thought about it that way but I certainly do concur with him. If this year of homeschooling was a failure, next year would present another opportunity to try again more intelligently! But wait a minute! Natia, the straight A student that needed a challenge got it. Her current report card holds A’s B’s & two C’s. She is a 4th grader working @ an advanced 5th grade level.
Natalie, the 6th grader who questioned her intelligence made honor roll! Believe me, her curriculum wasn’t dumbed down. The difference is homeschooling allows her to work at here pace. Some days are longer and some are shorter but each day is just right for her.
How is homeschooling going? It’s going as God planned it.

My photo
Come on in and take a look around. We are first time Homeschoolers serving the God that is The Great I AM. As followers of Christ, we are encouraged to have the best school year possible. We brought two of our three daughters home to educate them. We are not against public education, hence our eldest attends a public High School, while prepping for college. We are simply doing what is best for our family & future in this season of our lives. Many pepole have different feelings regarding homeschooling and all of them are validated, afterall, they are YOUR beliefs. So, with that being said, make yourself comfortable and take a look around. If you need to leave just remember, Y'all come back now, ya hear!

Parents as Teachers...

Remember that you are your child's first, foremost, and favorite teacher. Ask yourself "What kind of teacher am I? Am I teaching the right things? how can I do better?

'501 Ways to Boost your Child's Success in School'
by Robert D. Ramsey, Ed.D.

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